Archived – About Us

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) is an expanding community of Ontario-based international development and global education and individual associate members working globally for social justice.

Vision, Mission, Mandate

Our Vision

Global social justice, human dignity and participation for all.

Our Mission

As a Council, OCIC strives to increase the effectiveness and collective impact of all our members’ efforts to promote sustainable, people-centered development in a peaceful and healthy environment. OCIC is committed to principles of fair and equitable cooperative international development and promotes public engagement that helps Canadians develop a global perspective and take action for social justice.

Our Mandate

OCIC encourages the development of the Ontario international development and global education sectors and sharing of resources between OCIC members by providing forums for networking, communications and collaborative reflection and action, and facilitating capacity building in public engagement and organizational development. OCIC is a learning organization with inclusive, cooperative and participatory processes that are accessible and accountable to all members.

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2013 – 2018 Strategic Directions

OCIC networking, capacity building, public engagement and representation activities are undertaken under the following Strategic Directions:

20 Year Goal: OCIC is a catalyst for sustainable solutions to global poverty challenges

1. To strengthen capacity: OCIC supports our members in being leaders of good development, adapting to change, and developing innovative solutio ns to global poverty challenges
2. To increase multi-sectoral dialogue: OCIC brings together sectoral leaders and practitioners, issue-specific experts, advocates, academics, funders and private sector actors to better understand and leverage perspectives, expertise and resources
3. To influence by informing: OCIC provides communications platforms to amplify the voice of our members, and to influence key decision makers

These were affirmed by members in June 2013, following a consultation process with staff, members, Board Directors and relevant stakeholders throughout the fall and winter 2012-2013. Click here for more details.

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Board and Staff

Board of Directors

OCIC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected annually by the voting membership of the Council. Board members serve in their individual capacity on Executive, Governance, Finance & Sustainability, and Membership Committees.

Executive Committee

President – Mitra Manouchehrian, Associate Member
Vice President – Jessica Ferne, International Development and Relief Foundation
Secretary – Emily Pittman, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Treasurer – Fahad Ahmad, Associate Member

Board of Directors

Fahad Ahmad – Associate Member
Jessica Ferne – International Development and Relief Foundation
Roshelle Filart – RESULTS Canada
Isabelle Hachette – World Accord
Mitra Manouchehrian – Associate Member
Jennifer Naidoo – CAP Network
Hamsha Pathmanathan –
Emily Pittman – Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Dr. Shubha Sandill – Associate Member
Dr. Fidaa Shehada – Associate Member
Dr. Maggie Zeng – Christian Children’s Fund of Canada


Executive Director – Kimberly Gibbons
Membership and Administrative Manager – Lisa Swainston
Public Engagement Coordinator – Eugenia Ochoa
Bookkeeper – Vicki Faul

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Annual Reports

In June of each year OCIC provides highlights of our programs and audited financial statements to our membership and the public in our Annual Report. Click below to review our past accomplishments.

Annual Report 2017-2018

Progress Report 2013 – 2015
Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Report 2010-2011
Annual Report 2009-2010
Annual Report 2008-2009
Annual Report 2007-2008
Annual Report 2005-2006
Annual Report 2004-2005

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Values and Policies


OCIC’s work, both internally and as a collective of members, is grounded in our shared vision of global social justice, human dignity and participation for all. Our policies are designed to meet OCIC’s internal needs as an organization, however they are guided by ideals about anti-oppression, human rights, international cooperation, and the appropriate meeting of human needs articulated in a multitude of places by multilateral bodies, states, and civil society groups.

All OCIC policies and activities are informed by our Vision, Mission, Mandate, and Strategic Directions. Mindfulness of the spirit and letter of these documents is central to the integrity of the Council, as is compliance with the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) Code of Ethics, the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness, and OCIC’s Anti-Oppression Policy.

While we do not necessarily support or endorse all activities or positions of our many and diverse members, we encourage all members to work toward ethical and anti-oppressive practice, and to engage in dialogue and critical refection with the Council on issues of collective concern and importance.

By-Laws and Policies

OCIC Bylaws and Policies provide direction to the affairs of the Council at governance, management and operational levels, and are freely accessible to all members and interested parties.

OCIC Bylaws
OCIC Anti-Oppression Policy

OCIC Anti-Oppression Policy Monitoring Framework
OCIC Environmental Stewardship Policy

OCIC Finance, Financial Controls and Procurement Policy
OCIC Fraud and Corruption Policy
OCIC Membership Policy
OCIC Personnel Policy
OCIC Public Engagement Policy

OCIC Respect in the Workplace Policy 

OCIC Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy

OCIC Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Policy 
OCIC Working With Vulnerable Populations Policy

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OCIC is an active member of the Inter-Council Network of Provincial/Regional Councils for International Cooperation (ICN) and the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC), and receives financial support from Global Affairs Canada.

Inter-Council Network

The Inter-Council Network (ICN) is a dynamic network of provincial and regional member-based Councils for International Cooperation committed to social justice and social change. Rooted in communities across Canada, we are leaders in public engagement at a local and regional level, and are recognized for bringing regional knowledge and priorities to the national level.

Canadian Council for International Cooperation

The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is a coalition of Canadian voluntary sector organizations working globally to achieve sustainable human development. CCIC seeks to end global poverty, and to promote social justice and human dignity for all.

Government of Ontario – Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade

The Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade (MCIIT) provides services for successful economic and social integration of newcomers, which maximizes the benefits of immigration, and promotes greater social inclusion, civic and community engagement and recognition amongst all Ontarians. The MCIIT welcomes newcomers; supports and promotes equitable opportunity, responsible citizenship and voluntary action for the economic and social benefit of our communities. And is dedicated to building a province where newcomers are welcomed, diversity is celebrated, volunteerism is valued and recognized, and people are engaged in working together to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Global Affairs Canada

The Global Affairs Canada is Canada’s lead agency for development assistance. Global Affairs Canada’s aim is manage Canada’s support and resources effectively and accountably to achieve meaningful, sustainable results, and to engage in policy development in Canada and internationally, enabling Canada’s effort to realize its development objectives.

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Contact Us

Address:  @ Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 421, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7
Phone: 416.972.6303[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]