Write for Rights

Event Summary

A letter writing event for human rights

Event Details

Write for Rights 2023 is here!  JOIN US on Saturday, December 9th at the Centre for Social Innovation – Annex, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto!

Write for Rights is the world’s largest human rights event, marked each year on International Human Rights Day. We in the GTA will be joining Amnesty supporters in over 170 countries to support 10 individuals or groups (including one in Canada). They need massive pressure from us to protect them from the most serious violations of their human rights. We’ll be writing to the governments responsible for upholding those rights. And we’ll be sending greetings to the individuals and groups themselves. Solidarity and hope: what special gifts we can deliver!

Let’s write together. Drop into the Centre for Social Innovation at 720 Bathurst (just south of the Bathurst subway station) any time between 11:30am and 5:30pm on Saturday, December 9. We’ll have pens, paper and cards waiting for you. Refreshments and Amnesty merchandise? Of course!

Accessibility needs or questions about the event? Contact: aito-treasurer@gaggle.email

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