Connected by Flowing Narratives: Stories of Water & Change

In honour of World Water Day 2024, this online feature is dedicated to celebrating the profound connection between individuals and water, while shedding light on pressing global water issues. This diverse collection of personal narratives and photographs serves as a testament to the multifaceted relationships we share with this vital resource. As we immerse ourselves in these accounts, we are not only inspired by the depth of individual experiences but also reminded of the urgent need for collective action to safeguard our planet’s most precious resource.

An aerial view of a grassy coastline with a rectangular plot of land outlined in yellow.

Water Restores by Eddy Lee

For about thirty years, I frequently journeyed to our family’s rural coastal retreat, nestled in a village that my parents established for their eventual retirement. However, this serene haven was not always as idyllic as it appeared. Initially, the land lay barren, stripped of vitality by generations of corn cultivation and the excessive use of fertilizers.

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A painting in green hues that shows rain following around vines and leaves.

When Water Paved New Ways during Those Incessant Drizzles by Minu Benny

The 2018 Kerala floods is an unforgettable incident in my life of 32 years. Experiencing the agony in and around me still has not vanished the unpleasant memories of greenery underwater. Kerala witnessing a similar event after 94 years left us almost unprepared to overcome it. It was the time when the fishermen’s community and Indian forces worked hand in hand helping lives to find safe shades.

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A woman showing a group of students an exhibit about plastic pollution.

Harmony’s Voyage: Towards Sustainable Living by Racha Abou Chakra

I feel a profound connection to the environment around me that would shape my journey in ways more harmonious with nature. My transformative experience began when I joined an international environmental project called “Out to Sea: The Plastic Garbage Project.” I was aware of the extent of the damage we face as approximately 80% of all marine pollution is composed of plastic…

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