Towards Decolonial, Anti-Racist and Feminist Public Engagement: From Research to Practise
Event Summary
Strengthen feminist, anti-racist and decolonial approaches to PE in the international cooperation sector
Event Details
Towards Decolonial, Anti-Racist and Feminist Public Engagement: From Research to Practise
The Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) and Inter-Council Network of Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation (ICN) are pleased to offer a unique one-day in-person training to organizations, networks and institutions working in the international cooperation sector in Ontario.
This training is informed by findings and recommendations from the ICN’s research on Feminist, Anti-racist and Decolonial Approaches in Public Engagement. Through this training, the ICN aims to situate the research outcomes within broader ongoing work in the sector on decolonization, anti-racism and feminism. The main aim of this training is to strengthen sector actors’ use of decolonial, anti-racist and feminist approaches in public engagement. By convening sector actors together in workshops, the ICN hopes to foster knowledge sharing and to help build a community of practice.
Participants can expect to build a shared understanding on what anti-racism, feminism and decolonization looks like in practice; to gain an understanding of how to assess core power dynamics at the heart of public engagement activities; and to attain skills on how to contextualize their audience and build in mechanisms to ensure equitable public engagement.
About the Trainer:
Jo Rodrigues is a Trainer and Consultant for EDI, anti-racism, gender inclusion, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and conflict resolution. She is also a self-advocacy and career coach for humanitarian aid and international development workers. For 18 years Jo Rodrigues has worked with government bodies, UN agencies, humanitarian aid and international development organizations as well as the private sector. She builds the capacity of leaders and staff to make an impactful, positive difference, collaboratively, in a way that feels relevant and is aligned with their values.
Who should attend?
Up to 30 eligible representatives of organizations, networks and institutions working in the international cooperation sector in Ontario, with interest in advancing this shared agenda. Organizations may register up to two participants, in order to maximize organizational reflection and learning, and to ensure that a wide range of actors can participate.
Please note that registering on Eventbrite does not guarantee eligibility or participation in the training. You will receive an email from OCIC to confirm your registration. If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your registration(s) as soon as possible as space is limited.
The deadline to register is January 24, 2023 at 9:00 am (EST).
Health & Safety measures:
This training will be a mask-friendly environment for all participants. While not mandating the use of masks, Toronto Public Health strongly recommends wearing a high-quality, well-fitting mask in all indoor public settings. Participants will be expected to comply with all provincial guidelines in force at the time of the event.
OCIC and the ICN kindly request that all participants pre-screen for COVID-19 and other illnesses prior to attending the training, and refrain from attending should you have any symptoms or related concerns.