[POSTPONED] Drawdown Toronto Summit on Climate Action and Gender Equality

Event Details


Did you know that the number one solution to global warming is educating girls and family planning?

Join Drawdown Toronto, a project of Unify Toronto, the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC), Ryerson Leadership Lab and over 100 change agents (women and men!) to expand our thinking and mobilize on climate change solutions.

In this Summit you will:

learn more from Dr. Katharine Wilkinson about Project Drawdown’s comprehensive model to reverse global warming, and particularly the three solutions Project Drawdown has grouped into the “Women and Girls” sector: girls’ education, family planning and women smallholders;

hear from Ontario-based International Cooperation organizations and institutions about their programming related to the three Drawdown Women and Girls solutions;

expand and share your insights on how you can contribute to climate change action in Toronto, Ontario and Canada, and move forward Gender Equality-related solutions globally.

meet local and global organizations working in Climate Action and Gender Equality and learn how you can get involved.

The Summit will be preceded, from 5:00-6:30, by a networking fair featuring local and international organizations and groups working in line with Drawdown Women and Girls sector solutions to global warming. Light refreshments will be available.
