Policy Matters: From Passion to Action
Event Details
Hosted by the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) and the Canadian Council for Young Feminists (CCYF), the Hackathon Event is part of the Policy Matters Youth Training Series, a free, virtual series that invites participation from diverse youth with interest and experience in policy making, public policy issues, and youth engagement. This five-part training series will support young people in recognizing the value and insight they can bring to policy and advocacy spaces, build skills relevant to the international cooperation sector, and provide opportunities to seek out networks, support, and funding to take action on these issues in their local communities.
With the knowledge and skills from previous sessions in this training series, youth are invited to an interactive grant writing workshop led by TakingITGlobal’s #RisingYouth team to understand the funding available to young people across the Canada, and to begin to develop the skills and proposals to launch local initiatives. Youth will have the opportunity to brainstorm and put down on paper ways to take action in their communities, including through applying for a #RisingYouth grant to fund their initiatives.
Forts des connaissances et des compétences acquises lors des séances précédentes de cette série de formation, les jeunes sont invités à participer à un atelier interactif de rédaction de demandes de subvention dirigé par l’équipe #jeunesenaction de TakingITGlobal afin de comprendre le financement disponible pour les jeunes partout au Canada, et de commencer à développer les compétences et les propositions pour lancer des initiatives locales. Les jeunes auront l’occasion de réfléchir à des moyens d’agir dans leurs communautés, notamment en demandant une subvention #jeunesenaction pour financer leurs initiatives, et de mettre le tout sur papier.