Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation

Position: Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation

Employer: World Renew

Location: Ontario

Deadline: February 2, 2018

Employment Type: Volunteer

Position Level: Entry Level

Salary Range:

Closing Date: February 2, 2018

Full Description

Brief Description:

The Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation Program is designed to provide non-Aboriginal young people with the tools and opportunity to act as bridges between their church community and a local Aboriginal community.

The Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation (YAR) will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills related to reconciliation by participating in a week long immersion experience in Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation (a northwestern Ontario reserve) and then developing a Reconciliation Action Plan with their church community. The week long immersion experience consists of YARs volunteering as Junior Camp Counselors at Mish Adventures, a children and youth summer camp that’s been operating for over 10.00 years in the community. The Reconciliation Action Plan is designed to build or strengthen relationships between the YAR’s church community and a local First Nations community (via a reserve or Friendship Centre).

Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation, Ontario (north of Thunder Bay)

Office of Race Relation, Canadian Aboriginal Ministry Committee, iEmergence

Dates Opportunity is Available:
July 14.00 to 22, 2017

Number of Positions:

Length Of Service:
9 Days (plus post-trip engagement with church community and local Indigenous groups)

The young adult will be supported by the following people on their reconciliation journey: a Youth Mentor - a leader chosen from their congregation (ie; deacon, elder, pastor) who will assist them with processing their learning and help them with the planning and implementation of a contextualized Reconciliation Action Plan; and a Youth Coach - a CRCNA staff member who will provide training, 1-to-1 support, resources and coaching throughout each step of the process. This program is made possible through partnership with iEmergence, a non-profit/non-stock organization focusing on holistic community and leadership development in indigenous and tribal communities.

Participate in online pre-trip learning activities and group introduction
Participate in 1.00 ½ day orientation on-site at Mishkeegogamang
While in Mishkeegogamang, work as a junior camp leader, helping to fulfill various camp roles such as co-group leader, station leader, or overseeing the program area
Be a team player with other volunteers and camp staff
Participate in online post-trip learning activities and group check-ins, as well as one-on-one coaching sessions
Develop a Reconciliation Action Plan with your Youth Mentor to lead your congregation into deeper relationship and learning with a local First Nations group
Share your story with your church, supporters, and CRCNA staff

Young adults that are located within 50.00 km of a reserve/Friendship Centre and meet as many of the following criteria as possible:
-17-24 years of age
-Prior experience with working with people of diverse backgrounds (socio-economic, racial, ethnic, cultural) in their church or school communities
-Possessing the following qualities:
-Leadership potential
-Interest in reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous persons
-Self-awareness, sensitivity, empathy, creativity and self-motivation
-Socially conscious and justice oriented
-Responsibility and ability to work with others
-Willingness to participate fully in the program and to abide by the conditions of participation

Respond to the call to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God”
Develop leadership skills
An opportunity to develop new attitudes, perceptions and relationships
A chance to learn from, serve and be served by others
Apply your current gifts and talents and discover some new ones
Experience rich Ojibway culture on a remote reserve

Total estimated funds needed: $1 800.00
Cost of trip includes accommodations, food and supplies for activities in Mishkeegogamang First Nation as well as round trip transportation.

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