Volunteer Public Engagement – Request for Applications

Position: Volunteer Public Engagement - Request for Applications

Employer: Youth Challenge International

Location: Ottawa

Deadline: April 18, 2018

Employment Type: Employment

Position Level: Senior

Salary Range:

Closing Date: April 18, 2018

Full Description

Brief Description:



Powered by Canadian leaders in global youth development – Canada World Youth (CWY) and Youth Challenge International (YCI) – the EQWIP HUBs project is a global network that connects Canadian volunteers, youth participants, and international partners through innovative programming in six developing countries.

Through 18.00 knowledge centers in Bolivia, Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, Senegal and Tanzania, EQWIP HUBs offers entrepreneurship and employment training so that young people, especially women, can come together to gain market-relevant skills and learn from mentors. Our youth focused, collaborative and tech-friendly approach is unique. By working in partnership with global peers – we can create a better future for all. Together, we’re on a mission to change the lives of 100,000 youth by 2020.

Canada World Youth & Youth Challenge International
Each recognized as Canadian leaders, CWY and YCI bring a combined 70.00 years of expertise in global youth development. Forty thousand young people around the world have been transformed through CWY’s world-renowned global reciprocal exchange programs and YCI’s youth innovation initiatives, proving young people can lead real change in global health, the environment, and youth livelihoods.

Volunteer Public Engagement within EQWIP HUBs
Engaging Canadians in Canada’s international development efforts is an integral part of the EQWIP HUBs project. Canadian volunteers participating in the EQWIP HUBs project are required to participate in outreach activities upon their return to Canada, geared towards the Canadian public. These public engagement and outreach initiatives will enhance the reach of the EQWIP HUBs program, as well as generate awareness and understanding of Canada’s role in supporting the sustainable development of local communities across the world.


Overall mission
Canada World Youth and Youth Challenge International are issuing this Request for Applications from service provider/s to undertake the public engagement and outreach component of the EQWIP HUBs project. The selected service provider will, over the 2.00 remaining years of the project, will support the implementation of public engagement and outreach initiatives by returned Canadian volunteers while ensuring that necessary reporting and data collection requirements are completed.

Key deliverables

The key deliverables expected within this service are the following:
a) Canadian volunteers are oriented to their post-assignment engagement requirements through pre-departure sessions and in-country follow ups

Selected provider/s will ensure that pre-departure orientation is revised and delivered to Canadian volunteers with an emphasis on public engagement and volunteers’ responsibility to conduct outreach activities as part of their contract with EQWIP HUBs. A strategy to follow up with volunteers during their placement and help them prepare for their outreach activities upon their return in Canada should also be developed and implemented.

b) Canadian volunteers are supported to deliver eligible public engagement activities

Selected provider/s will review and update supporting tools, training materials and/or other resources related to public engagement and outreach. Selected provider/s will also ensure direct support to returned volunteers in the planning, promotion and execution their public engagement and outreach activities in accordance with the project guidelines and work plan. Part of the deliverables will also involve tracking of public engagement completion reports and surveys, including follow up with volunteers to gather the required information.

c) Volunteer public engagement is tracked and reported on

Selected provider/s will manage a database of returned volunteers, and ensure collection, synthesis and compilation of data related to volunteers’ public engagement activities and provide comprehensive monthly reporting. It is expected that good practices and success stories from returned volunteers in relation to their completed public engagement activities are also documented and reported, and that key information for marketing and promotion purposes is channelled to EQWIP HUBs.


Applicants eligible for this contract can be either individuals or organizations and must have a Business Identification Number. Applicants should demonstrate relevant experience in:

• Volunteer management. Youth volunteer management experience is an asset
• international cooperation and public engagement work as part of the Government of Canada’s sustainable development efforts
• program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
• understanding of good practices in public engagement on global issues
• applicants must have the ability to provide their service in English and French.


The budget available for this service is $40,000 CAD per annum. The payment will be made on a monthly basis upon submission of an invoice against deliverables


Applications will be required to submit a short proposal outlining their interest, understanding of the scope of work, and an outline of the applicant experience in outreach and public engagement in the context of a Canadian International development project.

The applicants will be reviewed on a competitive basis and selection will be made based on the proposal’s alignment with deliverables, fulfilment of eligibility criteria, CV(s) of applicant(s), and quality of the service proposed per the budget available

Deadline to apply: Wednesday April 18, 2018.00 at 5pm EST.

Applications will be considered upon submission. Please submit your proposal in document Word or PDF e-mail attachment to hr@eqwiphubs.org with “Volunteer Public Engagement - RFA” in the subject line. Applications will not be considered beyond the deadline.

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