Position: Open Team - Reforestation in Haiti
Employer: World Renew
Location: Pignon, Haiti
Deadline: January 12, 2018
Employment Type: Volunteer
Position Level: Entry Level
Salary Range:
Closing Date: January 12, 2018
Brief Description:
Reforestation Project
Deforestation is a serious environmental issue that is facing Haiti. In the community in Pignon, World Renew and long-term partner, Ministry of Christian Development (MDK), invites you to work alongside this community on a reforestation project.
The goal of the reforestation project in Pignon is to maintain healthy soil that will create a hospitable environment for growing food, improving crop yields, and increasing income for families. Reforestation also helps reduce the impact of natural disasters and mudslides that commonly occur on the country’s bare hillsides.
Dates opportunity is Available:
March 10-18, 2018
Time Commitment:
8 days in Haiti plus 10.00 to 15.00 hours of reading, orientation, and preparation.
Specific Responsibilities:
Raise prayer and financial support by inviting individuals, businesses, and/or churches to give to your activity.
Complete pre-field reading, preparation, and orientation before arriving in Haiti.
Work alongside community members from Pignon to prepare the soil and seeds for planting, sow the seeds, transplant seedlings.
Enter into fellowship with the community during your time in Pignon.
Share your experience and the story of the Pignon community.
Participants must be 16.00 years of age or older and a Canadian or US resident
Must be able to do some physical labor in a tropical climate, sometimes under difficult conditions.
Be compassionate, respectful of other cultures, and emotionally stable.
Flexible, adaptable, and able to view life with a sense of humor.
The total estimated in country costs per person are $1,500 USD.
Other costs may include, but can vary.
-Airfare to Port-au-Prince, Haiti
-Out-of-country medical and travel insurance
-Spending money ($200 USD recommended)
Grow in your faith and in relationship your with God.
Build new relationships and fellowship with the local community.
Serve as an encouragement to Christians in Haiti.
Partner with World Renew staff, learn about their work, and encourage them in their efforts to serve the people of Haiti.
Learn from, serve, and be served by people from different culture.
Through your service and partnership, make a difference for the cause of Christ by assisting the Haitian church in spreading the Gospel.
Develop your personal perspective on poverty, missions, and community development,
Learn about the history and culture of Haiti.
Gain satisfaction from seeing your prayers and contributions to World Renew impact communities in Haiti.
Raise awareness and educate people in North America about the social and political situation in Haiti.
Remember that expenses directly related to this volunteer opportunity are tax-deductible.
Support Services Provided:
World Renew will provide orientation materials as well as ongoing logistics and support to meet the needs of the volunteers, local community, and Haiti staff.
World Renew offers a pre-trip orientation session. This is required for all participants.
World Renew will provide you with consultation and/or visits by missionary staff when available.
World Renew will provide you with opportunities to link your individual/church’s mission and vision to work being done in Haiti.
World Renew will support you with recognition in various communications to supporters.