Monitoring, Evaluation and Information Officer

Position: Monitoring, Evaluation and Information Officer

Employer: Youth Challenge International

Location: Senegal

Deadline: April 1, 2019

Employment Type: Internship

Position Level: Entry Level

Salary Range:

Closing Date: April 1, 2019

Full Description

Brief Description:

During your International Internship, you’ll be working with our awesome partner EDC. Education Development Center (EDC) is a global nonprofit that advances lasting solutions to improve education, promote health, and expand economic opportunity. Since 1958, EDC has been a leader in designing, implementing, and evaluating powerful and innovative programs in more than 80.00 countries around the world.

What you’ll do:

In collaboration with the monitoring and evaluation team assist with:

database management;
quantitiative and qualitative data collection;
data analysis;
writing and editing reports;
representing data through visual aids (charts, graphs, inforgraphics, etc.);
disaggregate data by gender at the collection stage where applicable and;
disseminate M&E findings (lessons learned and best practices) in gender inclusive education with all relevant stakeholders
Departure Date: May 5, 2019

You’ll fit right in if you have:

Completion of Bachelors Degree in social science, project management, statistics, public administration, organizational management or similar field
Understanidng of quantitative and qualitiative research
Fast learning, self motivated and creative individual that can work independently and apart of a team
Highly computer literate and quick to learn new software
Knowledge of Microsoft excel is a deifinete asset
Expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation processes
Can work effectively under tight deadlines.
Attention to detail.
Proven experience successfully managing competing proprieties.
Demonstrated ability to successfully interact with individuals of different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, which includes willingness to try and understand and be tolerant of differing opinions and views.
Strong communication skills.
Experience working with international organizations or multinational industries is a plus.

How to apply:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received. Submit early and don’t miss the chance to participate in the experience of a lifetime!

Please fill out the application form on our website, and attach your cover letter and resume in a single PDF or Word attachment. Due to the competitive nature of this role, no phone calls about the position can be accepted. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Please note: Intern participation is completely voluntary and is by no means and shall not be construed as an employment contract. The intern is not entitled to claim for any wages, indemnity, payment, notice of termination or pay in lieu of notice of termination, or any other benefits and agrees that he or she may not be considered as an employee under employment laws including the Act respecting Labour Standards and the Civil Code of Quebec.

Innovate ME is generously funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada.

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