At COP27, The World Calls Out For Climate Justice

Event Summary

Rich countries like Canada need to repay their climate debt and heed the calls of the Most Affected Peoples and Areas

Event Details

Worldwide, devastating floods, droughts, wildfires and increasingly intense storms show that the climate crisis is happening now. And it is not just happening in other parts of the world. We face hurricanes, “heat domes,” atmospheric rivers and wildfires here in Canada.
Yet, 26 annual international climate meetings (COPs) have failed to halt the rising carbon emissions driving the crisis. This year, at COP27, meetings are taking place in Egypt amid new reports warning that time is running out.
Climate activists from Egypt and other countries in Africa and the Arab World ( have called for a “COP27 Global Day of Climate Justice.” Demands include calls to release 60,000 political prisoners in Egyptian jails.
In solidarity here in Toronto, we’ll march to different key locations, stopping at each for a short speech, some interaction and an action call-out.
Come add your voice!
Where: Starting point is Matt Cohen Park (SE corner of Spadina / Bloor)
Accessibility: Walking time is about 30 minutes with breaks in between. As of yet, we’ve been unable to find any available ASL interpreters.
Demands adapted for a Canadian context from the COP27Coalition include:
*Canada Step up and do its Fair Share
*Uphold Global Solidarity and Human Rights
*Respect Indigenous Sovereignty
*Phase out Fossil Fuels with a Just Transition
*No False Solutions