Cuso International, Youth speak up! International Development Week 2022

Event Summary

Youth, Speak Up! Perspectives on Global Development Issues - Meaningful engagement on indigenous perspectives, diversity and inclusion and the global goals.

Event Details

This year, International Development Week takes place from February 6th to February 12th. On Friday, February 11th, the Cuso Youth Engagement Advisory will be hosting a speaker’s panel, “Youth, Speak Up! Perspectives on Global Development Issues”. Discussion topics will include Indigenous perspectives within International Development Studies, diversity, and inclusion. There will be two guest speakers present to share their lived experiences, and all participants will have the opportunity to join breakout rooms to take part in the discussion. The panel will take place on Zoom, and all are welcome.


We would like to formally extend an invitation to you, and the rest of your department. If you could forward this email to students at the undergraduate level, and anyone else who might be interested in attending, it would be much appreciated! The registration link is below, as well as the event poster!


Please let us know if you have any questions at all. Hope to see you on the 11th!


Cuso Youth Engagement Advisory

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