This is an archived page on OCIC’s consultation sessions (held in September 2019) for the Youth Policy-Makers Hub. If you would like to learn more about the Hub, please see our Youth Policy-Makers Hub program page.
About the Programs
Consultations are currently being conducted for two programs – the National & Regional Capacity Building Initiatives and OCIC’s Youth PolicyMakers Hub.
National & Regional Capacity Building Initiatives
OCIC’s capacity-building initiatives (2019-2023) seek to strengthen the ability of:
- Canadian CSOs and youth, to impact advocacy and policy development with regards to these areas/goals;
- Canadian CSOs and youth, to adapt to present and future challenges by learning how to employ different methods and cultivate new mindsets, and engage in multi-sectoral dialogue regarding gender equality in support of FIAP and the SDGs; and
- Canadian CSOs, to design and deliver, expand and evaluate programming towards advancing gender equality in support of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) action areas, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Over the next five years OCIC will also offer capacity building activities through Inter-Council Network of Provincial and Regional Councils (ICN)-initiated and supported programs, including the SPUR Change Capacity Building Program for small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs), and the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) for SMOs. The topics and timing of OCIC’s own activities we take into account the various opportunities presented by different programs, in order to avoid duplication and competition, and to maximize learning and impact four our collective stakeholders.
Relevant documents and links:
- OCIC Community Engagement and Learning Programs Concept Note
- SPUR Change Program
- Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) Website
- SPUR Change National Conference 2019 Introduction
- SPUR Change National Conference 2019 Registration Information
Youth PolicyMakers Hub
From 2019 to 2023, OCIC will convene and support a Youth PolicyMakers Hub as a means of supporting diverse youth from across Ontario in international cooperation policy processes in support of the Feminist International Assistance Policy action areas and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Fall 2019, we will call for and select up to 15 diverse youth (18-35 years of age), and 5-10 diverse “allies” representing organizations with policy advocacy experience and expertise (of all ages) from our community and beyond to form the core membership of this Hub. OCIC will support regular virtual (online) and in-person meetings, and will support the Hub in developing the Terms of References and priorities, and in implementing an annual work plan.
We anticipate activities such as:
- strengthening the capacity of youth to influence policy making and advocacy processes on gender equality and the SDGs;
- supporting 2-4 youth members of the Hub per year to attend relevant sub-national, national or international meetings and delegations;
- advising the Council on its own policies, practices and programs, as appropriate; and
- collecting and sharing resources, learnings and practices for youth-led and youth-focused policy-making work in different ways.
Relevant documents and links:
Roundtable Consultation Summary & Notes
National & Regional Capacity Building Program Roundtable Consultation (Sep 18, 2019)
With twelve OCIC members representing a range of civil society organizations (CSOs) and educational institutions in Ontario, participants in the consultation session have expressed capacity-building and learning needs and interests in the following areas:
- Knowledge management and sharing,
- Corporate Social Responsibility,
- Governance,
- Gender-based Analysis,
- Communications,
- IT and Social Media.
There is an abundance of capacity and strengths in the international cooperation sector across Ontario and strong interest in knowledge exchange, mobilization and learning opportunities that enable CSOs to come together as a community of practice and learn from one another over time. OCIC received many helpful recommendations for learning methods and approaches that we will be sure to incorporate in our community engagement and learning programs, including providing tools that would support participants to share their learnings within their organization and with their partners.
Consultation Materials and Summary
Youth PolicyMakers Hub Program Roundtable Consultation (Sep 18, 2019)
Consultation Materials and Summary
More Ways to Get Involved
Missed the consultation? There’s still time to share insights, research, ongoing projects or ways you’d like to collaborate with OCIC.
Stay tuned for OCIC’s Youth PolicyMakers Hub Program Call Out for the Youth Hub (for those aged 18-35) and Allies Hub (for policy and advocacy leaders of all ages). To get involved or for more information, please contact OCIC’s Community Engagement Specialist.
For the National & Regional Capacity Building Program, we invite you to fill the Spur Change Program’s Needs Assessment Survey by October 31, 2019 and stay tuned for more information to come.