2021 Canada Africa Partnership Ride

Event Details

The 2021 Canada Africa Partnership Ride is the 17th annual bike-a-thon where Canadians rally together to raise funds for community-led impact in African communities.

Join riders from across Canada for the 2021 Virtual CAP Ride (June 1-6) as we ride in support of strong communities where health, education and livelihoods thrive in a sustainable environment.

The CAP Ride represents a network of Canadian projects and organizations raising funds for grassroots impact led by our respective African partners. You can support one of our 18 participating partners by joining one of their teams, creating a team of your own, or making a donation!

Read about the ride on our blog: http://www.capnetwork.ca/2021-canada-africa-partnership-ride-rallies-canadians-to-raise-funds-for-african-community-projects/
And in the Toronto Star: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/06/07/two-toronto-charity-bike-a-thons-aim-to-reach-fundraising-targets-amid-pandemic.html
