Women in the Lead: A Tapestry of Stories from the Global South
Event Details
Join us for a fireside chat with women leaders from Malawi, Haiti and Peru, as they reflect on a feminist COVID-19 recovery.
Tapestry 2030 producer and host Safa will be in conversation with special guests featured in our Tapestry 2030 Podcast & Illustration series.
Elida Jeanty, Officer of Development of Rayjon Share Care (Haiti) and Member of the Hatian Women’s Federation of the Haut de St Marc Region, with translation support from Renaud Thomas, Community Coordinator of Rayjon Share Care (Haiti)
Erla Hoyos Zuloeta, Project Coordinator of the Centro Santa Angela School of Leaders (Peru), with translation support from Ruth Taylor, Operations Coordinator, Heart-Links Lazos de Corazón (Canada)
Basimenye Nhlema, Community Health Director for Partners in Health (Malawi)
ABOUT TAPESTRY 2030: Undertaken with support from podcaster Safa Shahkhalili and illustrator Amanda Schutz, the eight-part series features reflections on the partnerships needed for gender-transformative and sustainable development. Participants include: Bhutan Canada Foundation, CAP Network, Canada-Mathare Education Trust, Heart-Links Lazos de Corazón, Inter Pares, Partners In Health Canada, Rayjon Share Care, YMCA of Greater Toronto, and their respective global partners.
We invite you to tune in and then share your reactions with us! You can listen on our website or your preferred podcast player.