OCIC convenes periodic Focus in Development sessions that highlight OCIC member organizations and their international partners’ work towards the Istanbul Principles for CSO development effectiveness, a set of shared values guiding the development of civil society organizations worldwide, and a distinct globally recognized reference for effective development work. Topics, dates and venues are announced in our monthly e-Bulletin and through our listserv. Participation is free for members, and all are welcome.

Focus in Development Sessions have included:
Roads to Resilience: Strengthening Livelihoods in Peru, Bolivia and Nicaragua
With Marilú Yvonne Del Águila García, Head of Tourism in the Regional Direction of Foreign Trade and Tourism (DIRCETUR) in San Martin, Peru, Daniel Maydana, Commercialization Specialist at the Community Association of Vicuña Wool Traders of Bolivia (ACOFIV-B)and Juana Villareyna Acuña, Project Implementation Officer for the Entre Mujeres Foundation (FEM) in northern Nicaragua. See event details here.
Peace-building & Women’s Empowerment in Nepal: Lessons from the Frontlines
With Shobha Shrestha, Executive Director of Women for Peace and Democracy-Nepal in partnership with World Accord.
Is Decentralized Healthcare the Best Approach? Lessons Learned from Peru
With Maria Teresa Torres de Salcedo, Executive Director of Kusi Rostros in partnership with Transforming Faces.
Endling Slavery in Mali
With International Anti-Slavery Award Winner Ibrahim Ag Idbaltanat.
Brazilian Youth Putting an End to Gang Violence
With Monitoramento Jovem de Políticas Públicas, LOFT Youth Centre for Social Enterprise and Innovation and World Vision Canada.
Let us Show You What Girl Power Looks Like
With Cebile Manzini-Henwood of Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse and Crossroads International.