OCIC Lunch and Learn Event
On Wednesday May 24 OCIC held a lunch and learn event to learn about engaging with diverse communities for effective campaigns. Guest speakers Farheen Khan and Jessica Ferne from the International Development Relief Fund (IDRF) shared how faith-inspired organizations align religious values with international development priorities, to create effective programs and campaigns that engage multiple audiences while surpassing standards of excellence in humanitarian program delivery. At this lunch and learn session we increased our knowledge about Islamic faith-informed giving as a critical step towards creating more inclusive charitable organizations that reach and engage diverse Canadians. In light of the holy month of Ramadan, it was valuable to learn about the different types of giving in the Muslim faith, for example Sadaqah, Zakat, and Fitrah. We would like to sincerely thank our guest speakers Farheen Khan and Jessica Ferne from IDRF for sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise.