Webinar: The Future of Bolivia’s Lithium

Event Details

The Bolivian highland salt flats region has been said to house some of the world’s most significant lithium resources. For over a decade, Evo Morales’ MAS government (Movement Towards Socialism, from the Spanish) tried to develop the Uyuni salt flats for lithium production, but was unable to bring any projects to industrial scale production. Since the political crisis in 2019, there has been much rumour, speculation, and media interest with respect to the current state, and the future of, Bolivia’s lithium industry. In October 2020, Bolivia re-elected the MAS to power with an explicit platform to industrialize the lithium industry, but with a new President, Vice-President, and cabinet.

What are the political and economic questions that have surrounded lithium development in Bolivia? What is the future for Bolivia’s lithium industry with this new government? And, what are the prospects for the industry which might benefit or hinder its development in a global context? These questions and more will be addressed during this panel.

Date: 9 December at 9PT/12EST/13BOL/17UK

Presentations by:
Juan Carlos Zuleta – Lithium Economy Analyst and Former Executive Manager of Yacimientos de Litio Boliviano
Pablo Poveda – Bolivian mining economics researcher
Thea Riofrancos – Assistant Professor of Political Science at Providence College

Moderation by:
Maddie Stone – Freelance Journalist covering green technology, climate change and the environment.

Register on Zoom. Event will also be live streamed on MiningWatch Canada’s Facebook page.

Event in Spanish and English. Interpretation provided.

Organized by MiningWatch Canada and Earthworks.

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