Virtual Speaker Series: Addressing the Crisis of Domestic Violence

Event Summary

Join us for our monthly virtual Speaker Series event for an evening including a panel of activists, experts, allies in educating and empowering others towards gender justice for all.

Event Details

Want to learn more about the pandemic that is domestic violence? We have the event for you.

On Thursday, November 23rd, join us for the second instalment in the 2023-24 Speaker Series, with an expert panel addressing the crisis of domestic violence.

Featuring three expert panelists from two GBVA support organizations;
* Joanna Piatkowski, Oxford Domestic Abuse Resource Team
* Amy Maddess, Oxford Domestic Abuse Resource Team
* Rachel Morrison, SafeLives UK
Moderated By GECO’s Karen Campbell.

WHEN? Thursday, November 23rd, 7-8:30pm
WHERE? Online via Zoom.
Register today!

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