Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice 2018

Event Details

Join us November 17th. We’re co-creating a day-long climate justice event, in continuity with previous People’s Climate Assemblies! Please see the theme statements below to see what we will be exploring.

The Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice asserts that climate change is not a future social and ecological crisis, but a current one and that those most impacted are those most marginalized. Rich nations like Canada contribute significantly to global emissions, though do little for harm reduction, adaptation or mitigation of the global climate crises. Over the past decades, governments and industries globally have inhibited real action on climate change and global emissions have continued to increase. To this end, we seek to center the voices and wisdom of those most impacted, and seek solutions from the grassroots.

We’ll be hosted by the ***Multifaith Centre at University of Toronto*** an accessible space. Free lunch and entertainment will be provided!

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