Together|Ensemble 2020 (Online)

Event Details

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This event is now an ONLINE EVENT due to concerns around the COVID-19 outbreak. Please visit the “read more” link below or contact the event organizer(s) for more information.

Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI) and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Canada (SDSN) invite you to save the date for Together|Ensemble, a national conference devoted to tracking Canada’s progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and mobilizing an all-of-society approach to implementing Agenda 2030.

Université Laval, a member of SDSN Canada, will host Together|Ensemble in Quebec City from May 20-22, 2020.

Together|Ensemble is a continuation of the Together Symposium series which originated in Alberta and was hosted by the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) in 2017 and 2018. OCIC hosted a satellite event in 2018.

Building upon the Together Symposium, Together|Ensemble will continue to promote:

Work that is happening across the country and new opportunities for collective impact
Mobilization of good practices, effective research and policy work
New partnerships, innovations and pathways for progress on the SDGs

Call for proposals
We are now accepting proposals for 15 breakout sessions that will bring the here and now of SDG action in Canada to Together|Ensemble. These breakout sessions will deepen and enhance the conference for attendees by showcasing innovative work, giving space for unique perspectives and building relationships. The deadline for submission is March 13, 2020.

English social media accounts: @TogetherSDG
French social media accounts: @EnsembleODD
Hashtag: #TogetherEnsemble2020

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