Raising Money for Nature with David Love, a Special Earth Day Webinar

Event Details

This is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day and we are going to talk about David Love’s new book “Green Green: Reflections on 51 Years of Raising Money for Nature” which will be released on Earth Day. To purchase a copy of his new book, use SN20 to receive a 20% discount for friends of Sustainability Network. He’s learned a lot about fundraising in general and raising money for Nature specifically. In this webinar, David will share some of the lessons he’s learned along the way.

To liven things up, we will be joined by three guests:

– David’s daughter Jennifer, partner in the kick-ass fundraising agency Agents of Good, will chat with David about the magic of donor love which finally puts donors in control.

– Long-time colleague Natasha van Bentum of Give Green Canada will talk with David about the rising tide of legacy programs around the world, including Canada.

– Finally, Steven Price, president of Birds Canada, Canada’s only organization devoted exclusively to the conservation of wild birds will discuss the Love Family and Friends Fundraising Education Fund at Birds Canada. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go into this fund.

We’ll conclude with some final thoughts and an invitation to all viewers to buy the book at a special Earth Day discount.

Cost: Free

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