Race, Class, and Intersectionality: Identity, Marxism and the Stakes of Recent Debates

Event Details

While “intersectionality” has brought to the fore matters relating to gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, and religious affiliation, Professor Foley will focus on those ramifications of the relationship between race and class that connect up with debates between Marxism and identitarianism. Key issues/terms that will be covered and/or interrogated include black radicalism and the black radical tradition; blackness and anti-blackness; whiteness, white supremacy, and white privilege; racial capitalism; racial contract; classism.

Barbara Foley is Distinguished Professor of English at Rutgers University-Newark. Her areas of scholarly expertise include U.S. literary radicalism, African American literature, and Marxist theory. Her most recent book is Marxist Literary Criticism Today (Pluto Books, 2019). Starting in the early 1970s, she has a long history of activism in anti-racist, feminist, and anti-imperialist movements. She served as President of the Radical Caucus in the Modern Language Association for two decades; she currently serves on the editorial board and manuscript collective of Science & Society.

When: Wednesday March 20th, 2:30 – 4:30pm
Where: Verney Room, South 674 Ross Bldg, York University

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