Transformations: Stories of Partnership, Resilience and Positive Change in Peru
Transformations: Stories of Partnership, Resilience and Positive Change in Peru is an award-winning collaborative photojournalism project intended to increase dialogue and further understanding of international partnerships that address complex global challenges. Through individual and organizational stories the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) invites viewers to actively engage in a new narrative on international cooperation and solidarity.
This narrative is rooted in the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness, a set of mutually shared values guiding the development work of civil society organizations (CSOs) worldwide. These include to:
- Respect and promote human rights and social justice
- Embody gender equality and equity while promoting women and girls’ rights
- Focus on people’s empowerment, democratic ownership and participation
- Promote environmental sustainability
- Practice transparency and accountability
- Pursue equitable partnerships and solidarity
- Create and share knowledge and commit to mutual learning
- Commit to realizing positive sustainable change
Through this virtual and physical exhibit series, launched February 1-7, 2015 as a part of our 25th Anniversary International Development Week program, we invite you to learn firsthand about the work of Transforming Faces and KusiROSTROS to provide comprehensive cleft and palate care for children, and of Save the Children and the Commission on Human Rights of Ica to empower working children and youth to become active citizens, and to access dignified work.
The stories presented were documented by OCIC and Allan Lissner, Praxis Pictures, during a visit to Peru in November 2014. We extend our deepest gratitude to our organizational partners and to the many individual people that shared their experiences, and their lives.
This initiative was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD).
Other Transformations Exhibits:
Transformations: Stories of Partnership, Resilience and Positive Change in Tanzania Transformations: Stories of Partnership, Resilience and Positive Change in Nepal
For more information about the Lessons Learned during the pilot of this initiative, click HERE.