68th Session of the comission on the status of women
In March 2024, OCIC delegates were among thousands who joined the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women in person and online. The CSW68 priority theme was: accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective. The review theme was: social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (agreed conclusions of the sixty-third session).
Ahead of CSW68, five OCIC YPH members conducted a consultation and prepared a report sharing the diverse perspectives and suggestions of youth (ages 18-35) in the province of Ontario to present recommendations for engaging youth in discussions relating to poverty and financing, through a lens of gender inclusion. They shared their findings and insights with our virtual audience.
Contributors: Yusra Ahmed, Rajaa Berry, Rachel Morrison, Keziah Oduro, Fayez Sahak

In March 2024, Rachel Morrison attended the UN Women’s 68th Commission on the Status of Women as a delegate with OCIC.
Rachel recorded her in-the-moment thoughts at the end of each day of the week-long trip; not only as a personal record but also bringing an intention to pull back the curtain for other youth or development workers with curiosity about the experiences folks have at these conferences.
Meet the 2024 OCIC Delegation
IN-PERSON & ONLINE: Featured CSW68 Events
Achieving Women's Economic Empowerment: Innovative Models to Addressing Unpaid Care Work
March 15, 2024 from 10:00am - 11:15am ET at Senegal's Mission to the UN
This CSW68 side event addresses the persistent challenges hindering the achievement of SDGs, particularly SDG5 and SDG8, with a focus on unpaid care work’s critical role in the achievement of economic empowerment, especially for women. Women shoulder disproportionate care work responsibilities, which leads to time and asset poverty limiting their economic empowerment and public leadership opportunities as well as access to social protection services.
This event is brought to you by the Government of Canada, UNWOMEN, the Republic of Senegal, World Renew, ACT Alliance, and OCIC.

Poverty, Injustice, and Rights of Older Women in the Global Development Agenda
March 12, 2024 from 12:30pm - 1:45pm ET at The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission
The event will consider the impact of poverty, discrimination and gendered ageism of women from infancy into older age. The discussion will look at how these are perpetuated across the global development agenda, through social norms and legal frameworks.
Indigenous Women's Voices on the Barriers and Opportunities Towards Their Inclusive Socio-Economic Development
March 12, 2024 from 3:00pm - 4:15pm ET at Conference Room 6, General Assembly Building
Hosted by the Government of Canada, in collaboration with the Province of Manitoba, the Ontario Native Women’s Association and the Government of Mexico. The event is open to all CSW delegates with UN grounds passes. No prior RSVP required.
Gender-Based Social Purpose Enterprise
March 15, 2024 at 8:00am ET at CCUN 2nd Floor
A panel discussion on the nexus of accessibility and economic empowerment hosted by Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, United Way Greater Toronto, Inter Pares and Crossroads International.
Beyond Crisis: Driving Gender Equality and Empowerment for Women and Girls of All Ages Through Social Protection
March 18, 2024 from 11:30am - 12:45pm ET at UN General Assembly Building, Conference room 12
Focusing on the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls of all ages through social protection. Featuring representatives of different actors and multiple areas of policy-related expertise across all geographical regions, the panel will look at incorporating discussions on how social protection can effectively advance gender equality. It will also look at theoretical perspectives, opinions and evidence from HelpAge International’s work to discuss this very important issue.
Ending Period Poverty for South Asian Women & Girls in the Subcontinent
March 18, 2024 from 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET at Church Center of the United Nations
This panel from BacharLorai will address challenges in menstrual hygiene across Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal & Sri Lanka, fostering cross-border collaboration for improved practices and policies. Emphasizing cultural and educational strategies, it aims to spur a meaningful conversation and knowledge exchange session focused on the alleviation of menstrual poverty for rural and urban-poor women and girls, aligning with UN SDGs, particularly SDG 6 on sanitation and hygiene, and SDG 5 on sexual and reproductive health rights.
The Right to Education for Women and Girls Affected by Displacement and Crisis: Exploring International Obligations, Innovations and Good Practices
March 19, 2024 from 12:30pm - 2:00pm ET Online
This Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan panel will explore how innovations are developed to ensure refugee and displaced women and girls and those living in crisis-affected settings have access to quality, gender-equitable, and internationally recognized education that will open further opportunities for durable solutions, upward mobility, and viable livelihoods.