OCIC AGM & SYMPOSIUM 2022: Global Stories of Change that change our global story
In September 2022 the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) community came together for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Symposium 2022: ‘Global Stories of Change that Change Our Global Story’.
The AGM was held virtually on September 22 and included a formal business meeting with presentations on the governance, finance and operational aspects of our work over the year, followed by presentations of key achievements and priorities ahead from three key Inter-Council Network (ICN) initiatives: the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) for small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs); the Spur Change knowledge sharing program for SMOs, educators and youth; and the ICN national research project on feminist, anti-racist and decolonial approaches to public engagement.
The Symposium was held in-person on September 27 – 28 on the traditional territory of the Huron Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishnaabe and the Mississaugas of the Credit River First Nation, at the Centre for Social Innovation – Spadina, in downtown Toronto. Recognizing the unique experiences and power that each of us carries to make positive and systemic change, the Symposium was convened as a space to learn from global stories of change told from diverse perspectives and with various innovative mediums and approaches, and to be inspired in your ongoing work to change our collective story for good.
Building upon sectoral and Council efforts to advance decolonized, anti-racist, community-led approaches and ‘localized’ leadership, action and innovation, these events provided curated, facilitated opportunities for participants to make connections, build relationships, spotlight initiatives, and plan for the future together.
recap of events

Click on the date tabs below to find full details for events at OCIC’s AGM & Symposium 2022
September 22
OCIC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM | Register here
Innovation, Research and Knowledge Exchange: A Spotlight on Key Achievements & Priorities Ahead for Three Key Inter-Council Network (ICN) Initiatives
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM | Register here
September 27 & 28
OCIC Symposium
September 27 & 28 | Register here*
*Please note, registration is for both days of the Symposium
- OCIC organizational, network/institutional and individual members
Early Bird (by 12pm on Sep 7) $40 + Processing fees / (from Sep 7) $60 - Non-members
Early Bird (by 12pm on Sep 7) $60 + Processing fees / (from Sep 7) $80 - Youth
Early Bird (by 12pm on Sep 7) $20 + Processing fees / (from Sep 7) $30
OCIC Annual General Meeting
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM | Register here
OCIC’s AGM included presentations from our Board of Directors and management on the governance and programs past and upcoming, election of new Board members, ratification of new members, and recognition of key volunteers and contributors to the Council in the past year. Participants joined us for an opportunity to learn about and contribute to our work as a collective.
Voting Member Poll Everywhere and Zoom Platform Sign-In & Tech Support
9:30 – 9:50 AM
Participant Zoom Sign-In and Tech Support
9:50 – 10:00 AM
Proposed 2022 AGM Agenda
OCIC Annual General Meeting
10:00 – 12:30 PM
- Welcome
- Land Acknowledgement
- Approval of the Proposed 2022 AGM Agenda
- Approval of the 2021 AGM Minutes
- President’s Report
- Presentation of Audited Financial Statements
- Approval of 2022-2023 Auditor
- Governance Committee Report
- Ratification of New Members
- Presentation & Election of Candidates to the Board of Directors
- Executive Director’s Report
- Approval of Candidates Elected to the Board of Directors
- Volunteer Recognition
- Business Arising
- Adjournment of Business Meeting
- *OCIC Board Meeting
Innovation, Research and Knowledge Exchange: A Spotlight on Key Achievements & Priorities Ahead for Three Key Inter-Council Network (ICN) Initiatives
2:00 – 3:30 PM | Register here
Rachel Levee, National Program Director, Spur Change Program, on the Spur Change knowledge sharing program for SMOs, educators and youth
Christina MacIsaac, Director of Innovation, Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT), Dr. Geetanjali Gill, Assistant Professor, Global Development Studies and Catherine Liao, Associate Professor of Nursing, University of the Fraser Valley on the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) for small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs) and one of the innovations being tested
Judyannet Muchiri, ICN Policy Officer, Inter-Council Network, on the ICN national research project on feminist, anti-racist and decolonial approaches to public engagement
September 27
9:00 AM – 7:30 PM | Register here*
*Please note, registration is for both days of the Symposium
Registration & Fair Trade Café
9:00 – 9:30 AM
Welcome & Land Acknowledgement
9:30 – 10:00 AM
Kimberly Gibbons – Executive Director, OCIC
Elder Dr. Robert A. Phillips
Arabelle Arcaina – Membership & Administration Coordinator, OCIC
Sector Change for Social Change: Opening Dialogue
10:00 – 10:45 AM
Bella Lam – Chief Executive Officer, Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
Vinod Rajasekaran – Publisher & Chief Executive Officer, Future of Good
Anjum Sultana – Director of Youth Leadership and Policy Advocacy, Plan International Canada
World Café & Affinity Exercise
11:00 – 12:30 PM
Kathrina Loeffler – Executive Director, Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief
12:30 – 2:00 PM
FIT ‘Innovation Stations’ for Dialogue, Reflection & Learning
2:00 – 4:00 PM
‘Entrepreneurship + Digital Livelihoods + Creative Arts: Socio-economic Empowerment of Women Refugees in Kenya’ with Clarisse Estebar and Vidushi Sanghadia, Project Leads, International Development Institute, Humber College
‘Increasing Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights through Media Development’ with Zein Almoghraby, Director of International Programs, Journalists for Human Rights
‘Lights + Camera + Action for Equality’ with Laura Barbosa, Executive Director, and Oriana Beltran Castano, Global Programs Coordinator, Canada SOS
‘Remote Ultrasound Capacity Building for Antenatal Access’ with Mark Loewenberger, Country Program Coordinator, Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief
‘Writing a Path out of Poverty: Testing a Cash Calculator with Extremely Poor Women in Northern Kenya’ with David Myhre, Director for Partnerships, My Oral Village
‘One Small Visit’: Processes & Learnings Behind Big Screen Storytelling
4:00 – 4:45 PM
‘One Small Visit’ is the incredible true story of an Indian immigrant family who unexpectedly passes through the tiny Midwest hometown of Neil Armstrong in the wake of the ‘69 moon landing and the civil rights movement and ends up on the doorstep of the Armstrong home.
This session will be a unique opportunity to hear from Writer, Director and Producer, Jo Chim, and co-Producers Michelle Arvizu and Morgan Davidoff, sharing insights on the process and learnings with Eliana Fleifel – Communications and Content Specialist, OCIC
‘Development Drinks’ Networking Social
5:30 – 7:30 PM | Register here*
*Please note, this is a free event.
Spotlighting artist, creative entrepreneur and photographer Sid Naidu, and award-winning Writer, Director and Producer Noemi Weis, with hosts Lisa Swainston, Director of Operations, OCIC, and Dr. Vida Shehada, Professor and Program Coordinator of the International Development Postgraduate Program at Centennial College.
September 28
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM | Register here*
*Please note, registration is for both days of the Symposium
Registration & Fair Trade Café
Welcome & Land Acknowledgement
‘Open Space’ on Issues that Matter: Learning from the collective on organizational policy development, ‘localization’, metrics, public engagement, policy advocacy, sustainability and more.
‘Open Space’ Presentations
‘Broken Courage’ Private Screening & Dialogue with director David Peck, in Conversations with Noemi Weis
Closing Ceremony
September 21 & 23
ICN Webinar Series: ‘Towards a More Decolonial, Anti-Racist and Feminist Public Engagement’
Part 1: ICN Research Recommendations
September 21 | 12:00 PM | Register here
Learn about the ICN’s research exploring decolonial, anti-racist and feminist approaches in public engagement with activists, youth leaders, community advocates and feminist organizers from Canada, Botswana, Kenya, Ecuador, Haiti, the DRC, Peru, Spain, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic. For more information and to register, click here.
Part 2: Incorporating Better Practices
September 23 | 12:00 PM | Register here
Explore more decolonial, anti-racist and feminist approaches to public engagement, with a focus on strategies that can inform transformative change in public engagement and the international cooperation sector. For more information and to register, click here.
September 22
Youth Event
Stories Changing Climate: Climate Change in Canada & Beyond (A Virtual Storytelling Event)
Click and explore the links below for recordings of panel discussions, background readings and other relevant and related items on themes OCIC, our community, and our sector have been engaged with over the past year:
- OCIC AGM & Symposium 2021: Centering Reconciliation and Decolonization in the International Cooperation Sector
- OCIC Global Citizens Forum 2022: ‘Localization Matters’
- OCIC ‘Tapestry 2030’ Season 2 Podcast & Illustration Series focused on ‘localization’ and community-led approaches
- OCIC Innovation Lab 2022: Dignified Storytelling