Part One: Why this story? Why now? A Webinar Series on Storytelling with Rani Sanderson of StoryCentre Canada

Event Details

There is a lot of interest around storytelling and there is huge potential within the nonprofit world to harness the power in personal narratives for positive change. StoryCentre Canada believes it is important to be sharing stories and have them heard.

Participants will be given a free overview of the best practices and power of storytelling and story sharing. Everyone is then invited to register for a series of interactive follow-up presentations that include individual story exercises, case studies, group discussion and the sharing of sample stories.

Complimentary Overview of Storytelling Practices
Thursday, September 3, 1:00-1:30 PM ET
Register here:
(Free of charge)

Stories are universal and everyone has many. This introductory webinar will give an overview of personal storytelling use in non-profit work, with a focus on environmental issues. We will touch on what makes a good story, as well as how stories can be used. The purpose of this webinar is to be a first step in your storytelling journey and introduce you to some of the concepts and practices of storytelling for positive change.

Storytelling: A Three-Part Webinar Series
Cost: $90
Includes access to a recording (same day) of each webinar and presentation slides. Please note, all participants will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite and a link to join the webinar through Zoom.

Register for all 3 sessions here:

Part 1: What Makes a Good Story?
Thursday, September 10, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

We take a deeper look at what makes a good story, including an exploration of StoryCentre’s Seven Steps of Digital Storytelling. We discuss what types of personal narratives are effective and why; why and how audiences connect to lived experiences and how these stories are so relatable; and how to gear your stories to specific issues or community needs. Participants will take part in a story writing and sharing activity.

Part 2: Ethics of Storytelling
Thursday, September 17, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

In this webinar we take an important and necessary look at the ethics of story work. With the proliferation of personal stories being shared, particularly on social media, the question of ethics has become essential. We will discuss the ethics of gathering, listening to, presenting and sharing stories, as well as consent. We will go over StoryCentre’s Six Core Principles of Ethical Storytelling and discuss the importance of creating a safe space for story sharing, and how to best protect storytellers. Participants will take part in an ethical story sharing activity and discussion

Part 3: Using Stories for Social Change
Thursday, September 24, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

This webinar will focus on how stories can be used for personal growth & reflection, education & awareness, movement & capacity building, policy & advocacy, training & fundraising tools, and/or research & evaluation, as well as how they can be used to support social and environmental justice and human rights both locally and globally. We will discuss tips for how stories can be presented to achieve a desired outcome or goal, and what method of storytelling best fits your needs. Participants will take part in a story sharing activity and discussion.

Rani Sanderson has a background in film studies and production, later obtaining her Masters of Environmental Studies, where she concentrated on community arts and environmental education. For the past 13 years she has been facilitating community arts workshops, with a focus on digital storytelling. In 2015 she was invited to head up StoryCentre Canada, where she develops and implements digital storytelling workshops for non-profit organizations across the country. She runs workshops with environmental, social justice, newcomer, arts, women’s rights, youth and other community-based groups across Canada and the United States.

StoryCenter (formerly Center for Digital Storytelling) founded and pioneered the Digital Storytelling methodology of participatory media creation in 1992, and has since taught hundreds of workshops around the world with a variety of communities and organizations. Established in 2015, StoryCentre Canada is building on the work of our American partners, in order to better support Canadian organizations locally, in a uniquely Canadian context.

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