Position: Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation
Employer: World Renew
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Deadline: February 28, 2020
Employment Type: Volunteer
Position Level: Entry Level
Salary Range:
Closing Date: February 28, 2020
Brief Description:
Join other young adults who are interested in the role of reconciliation and learning more about Canadian Indigenious history. It is our hope that this community learning journey will offer space for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth to forge lasting and respectful relationships with one another as they learn about the history of Indigenous peoples in their province.
The Office of Race Relations and Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee have come together to develop a dynamic and experiential leadership development and reconciliation program for youth attending CRC churches. The program provides the opportunity for CRC young persons to not only respond to the call to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God,” but also to invite others along in that transformative journey. In short, the program seeks to disciple disciples.