Position: Organizational Development & Strengthening Advisor
Employer: Cuso International
Location: Honduras
Deadline: February 16, 2018
Employment Type: Volunteer
Position Level: Mid Level
Salary Range:
Closing Date: February 16, 2018
Brief Description:
Do you have experience in business administration, strategic planning or organizational development? Then this position is for you! We are looking for a Organizational Development and Strengthening Advisor to support the improvement of the management system of 4.00 coops and associative businesses in the cacao sector, located in the northern area of Honduras. As the chosen volunteer, you will contribute to the design and implementation of strategic plans for each business using participatory methodology.
Our partner SOCODEVI, a Canadian Network of Cooperatives, is implementing the Canada-Honduras Value-Added Agroforestry Project (CAHOVA) which is a sustainable and inclusive development initiative whose main objective is to improve the livelihoods of families who are members of agroforestry cooperative enterprises. The project will last five years (although the placement for this position is for one year) and have a direct impact on 3,467 member families in 45.00 co-operative enterprises in 5.00 Honduran Departments (Francisco Morazán, El Paraiso, Comayagua, Santa Barbara and Atlántida).