Call for OCIC Board Directors

Position: Call for OCIC Board Directors

Employer: Ontario Council for International Cooperation


Deadline: July 15, 2022

Employment Type: Volunteer

Position Level: Executive

Salary Range:

Closing Date: July 15, 2022

Full Description

Brief Description:

The Opportunity:

The Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) invites nominations from qualified candidates to fill six positions on our Board of Directors, for an initial two-year term. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute your skills, knowledge, lived experience and perspectives on international cooperation and solidarity, and to help support and strengthen the transformative impact of the Council. Working alongside others with shared values and commitment, you will also expand your abilities while contributing to strategic leadership and sharing of good practices in non-profit organizational governance, effectiveness and impact.

About OCIC

OCIC is an expanding community of Ontario-based international cooperation and global citizenship-focused organisations, networks, institutions and individual associate members committed to working for global social justice, human dignity and participation for all.

As a Council we work strategically to:

Strengthen capacity, supporting our members in being leaders of good development, adapting to change, and developing innovative solutions to global poverty challenges;
increase multi-sectoral dialogue, bringing together sectoral leaders and practitioners, issue-specific experts, advocates, academics, funders and private sector actors to better understand and leverage perspectives, expertise and resources; and
influence and inspire, providing communications platforms to amplify the voice of our members, and to influence and inspire key decision makers and the public.

In our current programs OCIC facilitates and engages our members and other Ontario-based stakeholders to develop capacity to deliver innovative, inclusive programming that advances gender equality in support of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) action areas and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also work in close collaboration with the Inter-Council Network of Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation (ICN), Cooperation Canada, and many other networks to support relevant national programs, projects and initiatives with and for the sector.

Our Board of Directors

OCIC’s Board of Directors is composed of 12.00 volunteer professionals that understand and demonstrate commitment to our vision, mission, mandate, values, and strategic directions, and contribute to the overall governance of the Council, including oversight of strategy and fiscal accountability.
Elected for a two-year term by our voting membership, OCIC Board Directors serve in their individual capacity as representatives of our organisational and associate membership, bringing unique assets, influence and energy to the table.

All candidates must be members of OCIC and must be nominated and seconded by two OCIC member organisations in good standing. Candidates representing our organizational membership must be staff, Board members or appointed representatives of the organization.

Responsibilities of OCIC Board Directors include:

Becoming fully conversant with the roles and responsibilities of the Board and individual Board Members;
Becoming fully conversant with the vision, mission, mandate, strategic plan, operations, programs, challenges and opportunities facing OCIC;
Attending and contributing to an annual planning retreat, quarterly meetings of the Board, and our Annual General Meeting;
Serving as a member of one or more Board Committees, and attending and contributing to Committee meetings;
Being well-informed of sectoral issues and prepared to discuss or address them at Board meetings and as needed;
Working collectively to set, articulate and fulfil the OCIC Strategic Plan;
Being a channel of communication with the membership of OCIC;
Representing OCIC and the Board on occasion, as requested;
Contributing personal experience and expertise to the work of the Board in support of the work of the Council; and
Facilitating collaborative decision making by the Board.

All OCIC staff and many OCIC Board Directors are currently working remotely from home. Candidates to the OCIC Board of Directors must have access to a computer and high-speed internet connection, and must be able to work virtually with us.

About You

You can make a valuable contribution to the OCIC Board of Directors if you are an organisational or associate member of OCIC and:
seek to volunteer your time and energy, and to apply your skills, knowledge, lived-experience and perspectives on international cooperation and solidarity;
bring expertise and interest in supporting our efforts in one or more of the following areas:

anti-racist and anti-oppressive practise
charity law and legal/compliance issues of relevance to nonprofit organisations
finance and financial management
fundraising and fund diversification
global citizenship education and public engagement
government and academic relations
human resource management
intersectional, feminist understanding, analysis and approaches
membership-based associations
monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning
networking and member acquisition
partnership building and brokering

To apply:

To be considered as a candidate for the OCIC Board of Directors please complete our application form above, including the names of two nominees from OCIC member organisations in good standing by July 15, 2022. Link to the Jot Form Application:

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