OCIC’s Innovation Lab Launch Party
Event Details
Join us for the launch party of OCIC’s Innovation Lab!
Meet the youth behind a month-long effort to create innovative reports using photojournalism, podcasting, digital mapping, and data journalism on projects addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Bring a drink and see the finished creative reports that offer a glimpse into how we can innovate storytelling in international cooperation. The event will take place in our custom virtual Gather.Town space which has been buffed and polished for you to explore, interact, and meet our young talented participants.
The Innovation Lab 2021 is an experiential learning series that partners youth with organizations implementing projects towards the SDGs. Through 3 weeks of training and consultation sessions, these groups develop a partnership to create new ways of telling stories through unexplored perspectives and to underscore the impact of the organizations to the Canadian public. The launch party will showcase 11 groups and their finished reports. This Innovation Lab 2021’s featured organizational partners are:
– World Accord
– The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
– Partners in Health Canada
– Global Women’s Network
– The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
– Youth Challenge International
– Knowledge Equity Lab