Money Talks Issue 4 Webinar with Professor Ken Wyman
Event Details
For our last Money Talks Issue 4 Webinar on March 28, we will be joined by Professor Ken Wyman from the Fundraising Management and the International Development graduate program at Humber College.
Join us on Thursday March 28, 12:00 – 1:00PM (EST) to learn more about grant-seeking and grant-writing strategies, costs, common mistakes, and more!
Some sample questions include:
What are some common mistakes people make in grant-seeking and grant-writing?
What are the cost behind grant-seeking and grant-writing? And how should an organization budget for it?
How can an organization reach out to a foundation or a potential grantor/sponsor/donor without an invite or call for proposal?
How can nonprofit organizations work and learn collaboratively about grants as partners rather than as competitiors?
How can we share the lessons we learned to our funders?
There will be 20-30 minutes for participant Q&A
Webinar links will be sent to participants upon registration.