Micro-Learning 2: FIT’s Rapid Gender Scan / Session de micro-apprentissage 2 : L’analyse de genre rapide du FIT

Event Summary

A learning session for SMOs applying for or interested in applying for FIT funding

Event Details

This session aims to enhance understanding of how to integrate gender into the testing environment through the use of FIT’s Rapid Gender Scan tool (RGS). The RGS is a gender analysis framework that helps you capture essential information about gender roles and responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities. It was designed to be used in situations where time is limited and resources to conduct the work are scarce.

The session will cover:
• Gender integration for the testing environment
• Introduction to FIT’S Rapid Gender Scan approach and tool
• Information about FIT’s other gender equality resources
• Breakout room session to practice using the RGS tool

Who should attend?
• SMOs applying for or interested in applying for FIT funding
• Any organization working in an innovation environment or a rapidly changing environment (e.g. COVID-19).
