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United College’s mission is to research and teach the knowledge, skills and values needed to address complex local and global development issues.


We believe that:
1.scholarship, responsible service, and a spirit of innovation are necessary to preserve the world for future generations;
2.education is enhanced by learning in a community of students, faculty, and staff; and
3.diversity of perspectives, culture, and faith traditions is essential to a contemporary education.
United College is a not-for-profit university college affiliated with University of Waterloo and located on its main campus. We serve the University of Waterloo community by:
Teaching and providing support for Waterloo courses, including the International Development and the Master of Development Practice programs.
Providing residence to students of all faculties, including live-in programming such as the Environment Living-Learning Community, Waterloo Indigenous Student Residence, Human Rights & Law Living-Learning Community, and the Women in Engineering Living-Learning Community. We also offer a French-language residence floor.
Providing a social impact incubator program for upper-year undergraduates: GreenHouse. Students – under the guidance of professional mentors – conceive of projects that create environmental or social impact change and implement them, even as they continue their studies.
Offering modern, on-campus apartments, private rooms, and suites for graduate and upper-year students.
Providing the Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, which facilitates the sharing of Indigenous knowledge and provides culturally relevant support services for all members of the University of Waterloo community, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, staff, and faculty.

Mailing Address

190 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G5

Website & Social Media



Ghana • Kenya • Malawi • Senegal • Sri Lanka • Uganda • Viet Nam

Areas of Focus
(Sustainable Development Goals)

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