Manufacturing Consent: debunking media war on Venezuela

Event Details

It’s no secret that the United States government lies to provoke wars and often has the support of the corporate main stream media to help it spread the message. Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their book Manufacturing Consent, outline a conceptual model in political economy that explains how propaganda and systemic biases function in corporate media. Their propaganda model contends that corporate media is not a neutral venue for truth. Instead, it is a vehicle that advances the interests of media owners and the elites.

Can the mainstream media be relied upon to give us real news about Venezuela? The tour hopes to explore this question any many more.

This Toronto event is part of an Ontario tour with independent journalist Dimitri Lascaris, who was in Venezuela in early February reporting for The Real News Network. Dimitri will be speaking about what he witnessed in Venezuela and share compelling video footage and on the ground testimony about the challenges faced by ordinary Venezuelans. His reports provide nuance and details which are absent from most of the mainstream media and often contradicts what has been reported about Venezuela.

When: Wednesday, March 20th, 7pm
Where: OISE (room TBD)
