Event Details
This participatory workshop invites participants into an emerging field of inquiry, where a constellation of practices helps us do the decolonial work of coming to terms with our imbrications with the world around us, and the stunning implications for agency and change. Working under the same title as the evening keynote; this workshop will be a space to explore how certain climatic, social, political and spiritual upheavals have brought us to the crossroads, where we must confront ourselves and how we are responding to this crisis. What do we do in this place? Where is our sanctuary? Bayo will create a dialogue around the idea of “post-activism”, or the kinds of commitments that invite us to ask new questions not only about what we are doing with the world but what the world is doing with us in the same gesture. A mode of engagement that affords us: ‘new’ ways of meeting the universes that shake us from our firm tethering to victory.