Join us for Toronto Development Drinks!
Event Summary
Development Drinks!
Event Details
Does your organization have upcoming employment, internship or volunteer opportunities? If so, we invite you to participate in January’s Development Drinks in Toronto!
In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, the theme for January’s Development Drinks in Toronto will be “Resolve to Get Involved” and will highlight OCIC member organizations that have any upcoming opportunities for 2018.
We are looking for OCIC member organizations to participate by sending a representative to provide a brief (2-3 minutes) presentation on what opportunities are available within your organization, and to informally answer any questions from attendees during the networking portion of the evening.
Presentations can include information on your volunteer program(s), upcoming opportunities both in Canada and/or overseas, and/or other ways people can get involved with your organization.
If you would like to participate, please contact Lisa Swainston at / 416.972.6303 by Friday, January 5th, 2018.