Invitation to Provide Input on OECD DAC Peer Review of Canada

INVITATION TO Provide Input on OECD DAC Peer Review of Canada

Based on suggestions from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Inter-Council Network of Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation (ICN) has been invited to provide input to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Peer Review of Canada.


The Development Assistance Committee of the OECD regularly reviews its members to help them improve their development co-operation partnerships, policies and systems. They take an integrated, system wide approach aiming to promote good development partnerships for better impact on poverty reduction and sustainable development in developing countries. Further information on DAC peer reviews is available here. Each DAC member is reviewed by two peers – this time France and Slovenia – every five to six years. For reference, the report of the 2018 peer review of Canada is available here


Rather than covering all aspects of the DAC peer review Analytical Framework, this review of Canada will focus on a discrete number of strengths and challenges facing Canada, offering recommendations for improvement, and highlight good and innovative practices from which other DAC members can learn. 


In order to make these reviews inclusive, the review team consults with a sample of the reviewed member’s key partners at the start of the review process to get their insights on the overall performance of the development co-operation policy, balancing both strengths and challenges. In addition to feeding into the overall analysis, these insights will help us identify which areas the review should focus on. 


THE OECD DAC has provided a partner assessment template for this purpose, but also allows submissions in different formats. In parallel, Canada will be submitting a self-assessment of their strengths and challenges in development co-operation. Together with interviews, research, previous peer and midterm reviews, inputs from other OECD teams, and the partner assessments, this will inform the selection of 3-4 focus areas for the upcoming review.


As a member Council of the ICN, OCIC invites contributions from our community through this google form, to be fed into the ICN report, and potentially for our own submission.


The OECD DAC has indicated that organizational inputs will be treated confidentially and will not be shared, nor will they be cited in the final report without prior agreement. Timely submission will enable them to analyse our assessment alongside that of other key partners and the government, agree on the focus of the review, and prepare for our planned visit to Canada the week of 4 November.


Thank you very much in advance for your time in contributing to this important process. Provide your feedback by July 31, 2024.