How To Speed Up Zero-Emissions Vehicle Adoption in Your Municipality

Event Details

Hundreds of Canadian municipalities have declared a climate emergency, and cities across Canada are looking for new and effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint of their communities.
Any effective municipal response needs to address transportation as a leading source of emissions, and any sustainable transportation strategy needs to enable the rapid adoption of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV). But how can municipalities leverage their authority and community connections to accelerate ZEV uptake? And which programs and policies should they prioritize?
Based on extensive modelling of municipal ZEV strategies coast-to-coast, the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) network and the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) teamed up with Dunsky Energy Consulting to identify and prioritize the highest-impact municipal actions for electrifying how people, goods and services move around.

In this webinar, Joe Rogers from GMF and Ian Klesmer from The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) will present the results of this first-of-its-kind, pan-Canadian collaboration.