Global Solidarity Matters Campaign

​“Solidarity does not assume that our struggles are the same struggles, or that our pain is the same pain, or that our hope is for the same future. Solidarity involves commitment, and work, as well as the recognition that even if we do not have the same feelings, or the same lives, or the same bodies, we do live on common ground.”

– Sara Ahmed, Feminism scholar and author

COVID-19 is changing how we experience and see the world, from increased support for local businesses, to widespread recognition that expert ‘essential workers’ and humanitarian organizations are at the front lines of global health efforts, leading the way. Today, the 7.8 billion lives around the globe are more connected than ever to each other.

Many of us are especially concerned about the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable and marginalized people and communities worldwide, particularly women and girls and those with special needs experiencing erosion of their security and rights, and at risk of being left further behind.

We are looking for inspiration on why and how #GlobalSolidarityMatters, to you.

Throughout May we invite you to be a part of our campaign to raise public awareness and support for increased international cooperation and humanitarian response to the pandemic by adding your voice to call for a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.

This week, tell us:

  • What global solidarity efforts have you seen or contributed to?

In previous weeks, we asked:

  • What does global solidarity look like to you?
  • How can we be better allies with those affected by COVID-19 worldwide?
  • How can we increase support to global communities during and after this pandemic? 
  • Why do international partnerships matter in this pandemic?
  • Why does global solidarity matter to you?

“COVID-19 is a threat multiplier. We have a health emergency, a humanitarian emergency and now a development emergency. These emergencies are compounding existing inequalities.”

– Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General (May 3, 2020)

While we are all in this together, many international communities are experiencing disproportionately negative impacts on human rights, livelihood, health and well-being during this pandemic. The World Bank estimation shows that around 49 million people could fall back into extreme poverty due to the pandemic. Around the world, domestic violence and intimate-partner violence have worsened as 50% of our global population is currently in lockdown. These issues require timely and holistic solutions — both locally and globally — to mobilize resources, support and sustainable partnerships.

Whether you are familiar with international cooperation or not, there is no doubt that we share a planet and an interconnected future with other fellow global citizens. You can be part of the change by supporting and strengthening the message of global solidarity.

The #GlobalSolidarityMatters campaign is designed for social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). As a growing network of international cooperation and global citizenship-focused organizations, institutions, and individuals, OCIC has a strong audience base in Ontario and beyond – with 9,000+ followers on social media and over 100 active members. Share your answers to our weekly questions by using the hashtag #GlobalSolidarityMatters and tag us on social media to have your messaged amplified and profiled by us.

  • All posts and messages responding to the campaign must abide by OCIC’s Anti-Oppression Policy.
  • OCIC will only share posts and messages that are relevant to international cooperation or have a local-to-global perspective.
  • Policy analysis and call-to-actions are welcome. However, as a non-partisan organization, OCIC will not share posts or messages that condemn or endorse any particular political group.
  • OCIC will not share or respond to posts or messages that promote a paid service or commercial product.
  • OCIC does not endorse individuals or organizations beyond their contribution to the campaign.
  • OCIC reserves the right to choose and decide which posts and messages to amplify and profile on our communications channels.
  • For any question or concern, please contact our communications specialist, Elisa Chang


Show your social media followers why #GlobalSolidarityMatters

Follow us on social media and use the hashtag #GlobalSolidarityMatters to join the conversation through our weekly prompts. Tag OCIC at @ocictweets (Twitter), @LikeOCIC (Facebook), @ocicpics (Instagram) or @OCIC (LinkedIn).

Download free social media materials

Share your/your organization's global solidarity call-to-action

Are you an OCIC member organization or institution? Let the audiences know how they can help. OCICwill be featuring members' call-to-actions on the web page (see below) and on our social media platforms throughout the campaign.

Submit your call-to-action today

Influence and Inspire using arts and multimedia storytelling

Are you a multimedia or arts-based storyteller with an international cooperation and/or humanitarian focus? OCIC is looking for multimedia work that showcases global solidarity to feature in the campaign and on our social media. Connect with us and learn more about the opportunity to amplify your message.

Contact us today

Know someone with unique insights on global solidarity?

Help us spread the word! OCIC is looking for diverse voices from communities around Canada and beyond to join the campaign. If you know a friend, colleague, or partner that would be interested in sharing their thoughts on why and how #GlobalSolidarityMatters, share this campaign with them!

Share this campaign by email

Do you have other creative ways in mind to contribute? Please reach out to our Communications Specialist, Elisa Chang, at elisa[at] to discuss other possibilities and/or collaboration opportunities. If you would like to support OCIC or the Global Solidarity Project, please visit our donation page or support our diverse members directly.

See what others are sharing

Recent Social Media Responses

Health is a ‘human right’ & it’s up to our leaders to ensure that everyone has #UniversalHealthCoverage. How can uphold #SDG3 & ensure everyone has access to essential life-saving-medicines @karinagould @JustinTrudeau? #HealthForAll #Canada4Results #GlobalSolidarityMatters
Read more on Twitter

Lindsay Sheridan


We’re on the way of erasing decades of progress toward a more sustainable world. This is not the moment to crack out as we need to take care of each other now more than ever. #GlobalSolidarityMatters #SDG #Canada4Results



“Global per capita income is expected to fall 4%. @WorldBank has warned that the virus could push between 40-60 million into extreme poverty this year, with sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia hardest hit.” #COVIDー19 #GlobalSolidarityMatters #canada4results @ResultsCda

Mélissa Dubé


I’m back with a new post after almost a month This one is for OCIC’s Global Solidarity Matters campaign. Please check it out and tell us why #GlobalSolidarityMatters to you:



KWIC is a member of the Ontario Council for International Cooperation and we are supporting their #GlobalSolidarityMatters Campaign! KWIC believes #GlobalSolidarityMatters because we are all part of the global…



At home and abroad food insecurity is an issue that has been extenuated due to COVID-19, Canadian leadership needs to step up and meet this challenge #Canada4Results #GlobalSolidarityMatters  @JustinTrudeau @PattyHajdu @karinagouldRead more on Twitter

Hamish McPherson


Banner image photo credit: Allan Lissner, Praxis Pictures