Building Resilience in the New Normal

Event Details

Embarking on 2021 with mindfulness and resilience
This past year has been a tough one. We’ve all been stuck inside, with multiple stressors on everyone’s shoulders, and no easy way of release. This seminar will offer you important tools to approach 2021 with a new outlook. Dr. Rashid will teach us how to calm our overactive minds, so we can focus on taking back control of our lives in 2021.

Typically, around this time of the year, YPC hosts a skating event to raise money for a select cause near and dear to our hearts. However this time around, as a result of the pandemic, we will be hosting this FREE mental health event virtually.

All attendees will receive a Zoom meeting invite before the event. We look forward to starting 2021 with you in a state of mindfulness.

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