Advanced RBM, Theory of Change and Deliverology Workshop

Event Details

A 3-Day Advanced RBM Workshop That Will Show You How To:

– MASTER RBM tools in the workplace;
– DEVELOP a systems thinking around RBM;
– APPLY RBM at an organizational and programme level;
– DESIGN M&E systems for your own situation;
– DEVELOP and EXPLAIN the Theory of Change behind your logic model;
– MANAGE using the latest principles & methods of Deliverology;
– USE performance measurement information in decision-making in project management and implementation
– WRITE a Results-based Report.

Why You Should Attend
Over the past fifteen years, a sweeping change in public administration, world-wide, has been transforming the way those involved in international co-operation and humanitarian assistance plan, manage, evaluate and report on their projects and programs. In this new results-oriented world, modern managers not only have to be accountable for resources used, but also demonstrate the specific results of their organization, programs and services.

Results-based Management (RBM) is an approach that integrates strategy, people, resources, processes, and measurements to improve decision-making, transparency and accountability. It includes a now well recognized minimum set of specific tools that can assist organizations better plan, implement, monitor and evaluate their initiatives: a results-oriented logic model, the theory of change, a performance measurement plan including both quantitative and qualitative indicators, risk mitigation strategies, and a results-based reporting format. Together these proven tools can help programme and project managers achieve operational and development results while becoming more participatory and inclusive. When these tools are in line with results-based business plans they can become effective instruments for achieving an organization’s strategic vision and mandate.

Given the increasing interest in the Theory of Change, we have decided to add a module on the Theory of Change as it relates to RBM in planning and evaluation. A Theory of Change describes a process of planned social change from the assumptions that guide its design to the long-term goals it seeks to acheive. Foundations, donors and organisations are increasingly being asked to describe the theory of change for their intervention.

Deliverology is the latest public service reform first developed & used by Michael Barber in Britain and now used in Canada to deliver results that have a significant impact on outcomes.

We feel that these additional elements to the workshop will put you on the cutting edge of RBM and public service reform.

Who Will Be There?

This workshop is designed for individuals who already have some basic understanding of RBM, particularly:
– Decision-makers who want to deepen their understanding of RBM, the Theory of Change & Deliverology and how to align it to their organization’s vision and mandate;
– Professional and technical staff in monitoring and evaluation;
– Professionals & managers who work with different stakeholder groups at government, intermediary or community levels;
– NGOs who are interested in learning the latest RBM techniques, tools and systems in results-based management;
– Academics who use and teach results-based management;
– Policy, program and project officers who make critical decisions on organizational policy, resource allocations, project design, monitoring and evaluation;
– Consultants who want to broaden their repertoire of RBM tools & methods.

What Results To Expect
This workshop takes you beyond the basics of Results-based Management and helps you to master RBM tools for your organization linking project level results to your programme and organizational mission and vision. You will learn how to bring to life your performance measurement framework by building appropriate M&E systems, developing your theory of change narrative and learning different web-based survey methods. You will grapple with analyzing data and how it should influence your Annual Work Plans. You will also learn how to prepare results-based reports and roll-up data and your performance stories in a meaningful way.

This workshop is an intensive three-day workshop that is practical, iterative and hands-on that seeks to maximize learning, group interaction and networking. The format will vary between small group work and discussion, plenary and practical case studies drawn from the workshop participants to encourage the sharing of knowledge and application of RBM concepts, tools and systems. Daily clinics will allow your organization to receive advice and coaching on your organization’s logic models, PMF, Annual Reports and Annual Work Plans to ensure that they are results-based and truly aligned to your mandate, vision, strategic priorities and directions. The workshop encourages the sharing of best practice among participants. Let us know if you would like your project, programme or organization to serve as one among many case studies for the workshop.

Date: July 23-25, 2018
Location: Held at the University of Ottawa

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