A Meetup for NGO & Charity Professionals working in the Global South

Event Details

A monthly shop-talk for primarily Global South NGO workers to get together, share, and move towards decolonizing our sector.
About this Event
We are starting this Autumn Series (Oct, Nov, Dec) on the theme of decolonizing development.

These are not formal events, but rather a time for us to come together to share how we all navigate issues in our sector.

Evening Agenda:

5:30-6 pm: Meet & greet

6-7:00 pm: Facilitated discussion on ‘Poverty Porn’ in development

7-7:30 pm: Moving the conversation forward and networking

The venue offers a wide range of drinks.

Space is very limited, so if you book a ticket and your schedule changes, we ask that you please make sure you cancel your ticket order.

*For this Autumn Series we are supporting the Parkdale Community Foodbank, please bring along something as listed below. Their current needs are as below.

Cleaning Supplies ( Industrial or Domestic)
Non perishable foods (especially peanut butter, tuna, pasta sauce)
*The painting of the elephant is part of a mural done by Tanzanian Artist, Shaaban Temba.

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