“Community-based research is an approach that involves active participation of stakeholders, those whose lives are affected by the issue being studied, in all phases of research for the purpose of producing useful results to make positive changes”
– Nelson, Ochocka, Griffin & Lord (1998), Community-Based Research Canada
You are invited to the Community-Based Participatory Action Research Virtual Institute in June 2020, co-hosted by the Ontario Council for International Cooperation, the Centre for Critical Development Studies at the University of Toronto at Scarborough and the Toronto Centre of Learning and Development.
Over the course of four weekly 90-minute online modules participants will be introduced to CBPAR principles and phases, and will learn how to use CBPAR methods observation and arts-based methods through readings, resources, reflection, and experiential learning activities. Given the time limitation, this Institute will not be covering the full range of CBPAR methods. Those who complete at least one module will receive resources on other methods, as well as invitations to take part in future CBPAR learning opportunities offered by OCIC and the UNESCO K4C Toronto Hub.
Module topics and facilitators (Wednesday 10:00-11:30 AM EST):
- June 3, 2020: Introduction to CBPAR’s principles and phases
- Isabelle Kim, Director of Community and Learning, Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) and UNESCO Mentors’ Training Program (MTP) alumnae
- Elham Rasoulian, Immigrant Women Integration Program trainee, Centre of Learning & Development and OCIC Intern
- June 10, 2020: Mindful Participatory Observation
- Maggie Huang, Knowledge Equity Lab Manager, Centre for Critical Development Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough and UNESCO Mentors’ Training Program (MTP) alumnae
- Brooks Yardley, Interim Executive Director, Willow Monastic Academy
- June 17, 2020: Visual Storytelling Methods
- Eugenia Ochoa, Community Engagement Specialist, OCIC
- June 24, 2020: Muralling
- Karen Villanueva, Supervisor of Programming, Centre of Learning and Development and UNESCO Mentors’ Training Program (MTP) alumnae
Registration information
To ensure the quality of the learning experience space will be limited. Early registration is available to those affiliated with the institute partner organizations including CCDS, CL&D and OCIC members. You can also become an OCIC member today.
Depending on availability, General admission will start May 20, 2020. Please stay tuned for more information.
While we encourage attendance throughout the Institute it is not mandatory to complete all four modules. The only mandatory module is the first one. After completing this introductory module participants can register for any or all of the remaining three modules. Those who register will receive instructions to access the online learning platform.
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Community and Learning, Isabelle Kim.