A cry from the Amazon: Indigenous communities threatened by COVID-19

Event Details

A cry from the Amazon: Indigenous communities threatened by COVID-19
Join us for a Webinar on Thursday June 25, 1-2 pm EDT.

*In Spanish with translation into English.
**All those who register for the webinar will receive a link to the recording.

As South America emerges as a new epicenter for COVID-19, marginalized communities are disproportionately impacted. Canadian Jesuits International is hosting a webinar with two panelists from the Colombian Amazon region, Fr Alfredo Ferro SJ and Uitota Indigenous community leader, Anatalia Pijachi. They both work and live in the Amazon and are actively engaged in its defense. This includes the work of the Jesuit Service for the Pan-Amazon Region (SJPAM) and the Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network (REPAM). Both raise awareness of the rights of the Amazon’s Indigenous peoples and the importance of integral ecology for a sustainable future.

To register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__tVzGZhxRCWXotGCUF7Thw

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