OCIC Development Drinks Toronto Networking Event: Unpacking Buzzwords in Development

Event Details

Join us during Global Goals Week for Development Drinks Toronto! You are invited to a sustainable development-focused networking event at The Gladstone Hotel between 6:00PM and 8:00PM. You’ll have the opportunity to meet and chat with international development professionals, activists, students, and enthusiasts who are in Toronto or visiting the city.

Together we will unpack current buzzwords in development through a fun networking game! Come meet new friends, build your professional network, and learn about the variety of work being undertaken by colleagues in Toronto’s International Development Community.

What buzzwords are you thinking of? Tell us @ocictweets & using the hasgtag #DevDrinksTO

When: Thursday, September 27 – 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Where: The Gladstone Hotel – Melody Bar (1214 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6J 1J6)
Fee: Free for OCIC Members / $10 for Non-Members

Accessible & Positive Space

We look forward to seeing you!
