Le Prix Karen Takacs Award – Call for Submissions

Event Details

CCIC is looking for submissions for the Karen Takacs award. The award was named after a celebrated and cherished leader of the Canadian international community, Karen Takacs. She worked tirelessly for 20 years to improve the lives and advance the rights of women and girls locally, nationally, and internationally. This award serves to honour outstanding collaborative leadership and commitment to promoting women’s equality. The winner will be announced at the CCIC 2018 Annual Conference, September 19th and 20th and will be given the opportunity to host a workshop to share her/their expertise and experience of collaborative leadership in 2018-19.

We would love to hear about inspirational women leaders making meaningful contributions to the rights of women and girls. So please send in nominations!

To see details, such as the nomination procedure and the criteria for selection, visit https://ccic.ca/call-for-submissions-the-karen-takacs-award-2/

The deadline is: Friday, August 31st, 2018

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