Faces of Humanity

Event Details

May 19 – 22: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
May 23: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Cost: FREE

Imagine leaving your home, able to take only what you can carry, and walking for as many as 14 days to reach safety. This is the journey many of those who have fled violence in Myanmar have taken.

Since August 25, 2017, over 671,000 displaced people have arrived in Bangladesh. They are living in overcrowded, makeshift settlements, and the majority of them are women and children.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including the Canadian Red Cross, was quick to respond to this crisis, providing much-needed food, clean drinking water, shelter and healthcare.

Join us for Faces of Humanity 2018, a multimedia exhibit that will immerse you into the crisis in Bangladesh as hundreds of thousands of people flee violence in Myanmar. Faces of Humanity tells the story of Canadian Red Cross aid workers and their international partners, from all walks of life. The exhibit will feature doctors, nurses, engineers, electricians, administrators and social workers who provide assistance to the most vulnerable people.

Take a journey into a disaster response with us, and experience the power of humanity.
