Membership Renewal

Please review your membership details below and make any applicable updates. Upon clicking “Update”, you will be redirected to the payment page to finalize your renewal. If your information does not appear below, please contact us.


Member Registration

Please select the option that best describes you.

Attention Renewing Members:

Please click here to login to review your member profile and renew your membership.

*Please note, if your organization meets the criteria for Organizational Membership, you must apply under that category.*

General Information

(max 1000 characters)
Mailing Address

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Maximum file size: 1MB

(Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg. Images must be smaller than 1024x768 pixels)
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.

Primary Contact

Your primary contact is the person you designate to receive all official and legally required mailings, to vote on behalf of your organization at Annual General Meetings or special meetings of the Council, to receive regular communications such as the OCIC e-Bulletin and listserv announcements, and the disseminate information to others in your organization, as they deem appropriate.

Your primary contact is the person you designate to receive all official and legally required mailings, to receive regular communications such as the OCIC e-Bulletin and listserv announcements, and the disseminate information to others in your organization/network/institution, as they deem appropriate.

First and last names of approved Associate Members will be posted on the OCIC website. No other personal information will be shared publically, at any time.

Mailing Address
Mailing Address

Executive Director or CEO

If the Executive Director or CEO of your organization is not your primary contact, please provide the following information to enable OCIC’s Executive Director to communicate with your senior leadership with specific, relevant opportunities for dialogue and engagement.

If the Executive Director or CEO of your organization/network/institution is not your primary contact, please provide the following information to enable OCIC’s Executive Director to communicate with your senior leadership with specific, relevant opportunities for dialogue and engagement.

Additional Contacts

Additional contacts are staff, Board Directors or volunteers you designate to receive regular communications, such as the OCIC e-Bulletin and listserv announcements.

The 'Additional Contact(s)' or 'Communications Contact' or 'Public Engagement Contact' listed for your organization can be the same individual(s). These contact(s) may be reached out to by OCIC staff for any relevant working group meetings or initiatives that may be of interest to your organization.

Additional Contact (1)

Additional Contact (2)

Additional Contact (3)

Communications Contact (optional)

Public Engagement Contact (optional)

Resources and Activities

As noted in OCIC’s Bylaws, regular voting members of the Council must have an identifiable provincial or local organization, and at least one staff, Board Director or lead volunteer in Ontario. Your answers to the following questions will assist us in evaluating whether or not your organization meets this requirement.
This number will be included in a calculation of collective funds mobilized by all members of OCIC, on our website.
Approximate percentage of your most recent annual operating budget allocated to:

Number of Staff, Board Directors and Volunteers in Ontario:

Which organizational benefits is your organization/network/institution interested in accessing? Please select all that apply.


Eligibility for Network/Institutional membership status rests on the inability of applicants to meet the criteria for Organizational Membership. If your organization meets the criteria for Organizational Membership, you must apply under that category. Please identify below the specific Organizational Membership criteria that you do not meet (check all that apply):


Please note the following:

Important: On June 12, 2024, voting members of the Council gathered virtually for a Special Meeting focused on OCIC’s continuance to the federal jurisdiction under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, passed resolutions necessary for this process and have since filed the required legal documents.
Once approved, OCIC will have one class of members that consist of organizations (including educational institutions or current Network/Institutional Members that qualify for the criteria) interested in furthering the Corporation's purposes and who have applied for and been accepted into membership, pay annual membership fees, and have voting rights.
As a current Network/Institutional member, we invite you to review this link to the updated OCIC Membership Policy for more details on the upcoming changes.

Required Supporting Documents

Please submit your completed application form and the following required supporting documents electronically.

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Annual Membership Fee

OCIC Membership represents a mosaic of organizations. Some operate on small budgets with few staff and volunteers, while others have significant financial and human resources. Recognizing these differences, annual fees are calculated based on the portion of your organizational budget devoted to international cooperation and global education (including administration/overhead), along the following tiers:

Organizational & Network / Institutional Operating Budget Annual Fee Discounted Fee – Long Distance (For organizations that are located 100+ km from Toronto)
$10,000,001+ $1,250 $1,000
$5,000,001 – $10,000,000 $1,000 $800
$1,000,001 – $5,000,000 $700 $560
$500,001 – $1,000,000 $500 $400
$250,001 – $500,000 $200 $160
$0 – $250,000 $100 $80
Please note, OCIC’s membership year is April to March. For new membership applications only: fees will be prorated based on the date you submit your application. For renewing members, annual fees are not prorated and are based on your Annual Operating Budget and Location.

Individual Associate Member General Information

Which individual associate benefits are you interested in accessing? Please select all that apply.
(1000 character limit)
500 character limit
(1000 character limit)

Annual Membership Fees

OCIC Membership represents a mosaic of organizations, networks and institutions, and individuals. Some operate on small budgets with few staff and volunteers, while others have significant financial and human resources. Individuals include working professionals, students and others with interest in international cooperation and sustainable development issues. Recognizing these differences, annual fees are calculated based on your personal context, along the following tiers:

Individual Associate Annual Fee
Employed $50
Student, low/no income $20

Endorsement of Council Values

Network / Institutional

Endorsement of Council Values

Network / Institutional

Endorsement of Council Values

Network / Institutional

As part of renewing our membership, our organization is indicating that we understand and acknowledge all information and conditions of OCIC’s Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy and Code of Conduct, including that:

  • We understand and accept that OCIC’s work, both internally and as a collective of members, is grounded in a shared vision of global social justice, human dignity and participation for all, and is guided by ideals about anti-oppression, human rights, international cooperation, and the appropriate meeting of human needs articulated in a multitude of places by multilateral bodies, states, and civil society groups;
  • Our senior leadership, official contact person, and I (if these people differ) have reviewed OCIC’s PSEAH Policy and Code of Conduct; and
  • We understand and acknowledge that this Policy and Code of Conduct applies to all OCIC staff, Board, volunteers, members, partners, funders, contracted parties and representatives engaged or working with or for OCIC to provide services on behalf of the Council.

By completing our payment and membership renewal, we indicate that we understand and acknowledge the above, and all information and conditions of the Policy and Code of Conduct.

As part of renewing my membership, I’m indicating that I understand and acknowledge all information and conditions of OCIC’s Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy and Code of Conduct, including:

  • I understand and accept that OCIC’s work, both internally and as a collective of members, is grounded in a shared vision of global social justice, human dignity and participation for all, and is guided by ideals about anti-oppression, human rights, international cooperation, and the appropriate meeting of human needs articulated in a multitude of places by multilateral bodies, states, and civil society groups.
  • I have reviewed OCIC’s Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • I understand and acknowledge that this Policy and Code of Conduct applies to all OCIC staff, Board, volunteers, members, partners, funders, contracted parties and representatives engaged or working with or for OCIC to provide services on behalf of the Council.

Upon clicking "SUBMIT", you will be redirected to the payment section.

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