Determining Your Best Fundraising Strategy for NGO Fundraising
OCIC hosted a one-day workshop on fundraising strategies for International NGOs. With government support for international development agencies changing rapidly, NGOs need to diversify their revenue sources. This session was designed specifically for grassroots groups to mid-size organizations.
In this workshop participants explored:
• What is the best use of your precious resources?
• What types of fundraising will work best for you?
• How to raise money online?
• How to get grants from other sources?
• How many of your supporters to expect will sign up as monthly contributors, to provide stable, sustainable income over the years?
• Best ways to find and ask donors who can give $500, $1000, and more
• Are events an appropriate part of the plan? How to reduce risk and increase net revenue?
• Should you consider a fundraising partnership or merger? What are the challenges and advantages?
For each of these fundraising methods, participants received detailed information on:
• What each approach costs
• The staff and volunteer time required
• The risks involved
• How to increase income
• The best timing
• Reasonable returns on investment
• Predictable responses from donors
Participants were given the tools to make informed, intelligent decisions on how to find new ways to raise money, in ethically appropriate ways.
Ken Wyman has helped groups develop the skills for long-term self-sufficiency. He has been called “one of the best-known and most-respected professional consultants in the fundraising field”. For more than 35 years Ken has invented and adapted techniques to help non-profit groups learn the secrets of growth.
Early in his career Ken spent five years as National Co-ordinator of Fund Raising and Publicity for OXFAM-Canada. He helped reverse their seven-year decline in income, tripling public donations to $1.2 million a year (when a million was a lot of money). Since then hundreds of nonprofit organizations have hired Ken Wyman. Ranging in size from kitchen-table grassroots groups to giant multinational charities, they come from almost every field: health, social service, culture, sports, environment, religion, progressive politics, and women’s issues. He has helped them raise millions of dollars.
Ken is a professor and coordinator of the Humber College post-grad Fundraising Management Program. He has written or contributed to several fundraising books, and was named the first ever Outstanding Fund Raiser by his peers by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Toronto Chapter. Ken is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) based on years of service and a rigorous examination.
For more information on this or any other OCIC workshops, contact